We all know someone with that confident smile showing their straight teeth. Our teeth play a huge role in our appearance and self-confidence. At The Dental Club, braces are provided by dentists with further training in orthodontics. We offer a free initial braces consultation and interest free payment plans.
Clear braces vs metal braces
At the Dental Club, we offer the options of clear braces or metal braces. Both options straighten teeth effectively. As shown in the photos above, clear braces can provide a more discreet look being less visible other than the archwires itself. Note however, that they can be less durable and are prone to staining during the course of treatment.

Do clear braces cost more than metal braces?
Yes, due to the different design and materials used.
Can I eat anything with braces?
You can eat most things while you’re wearing braces but start with soft foods in the first week. After that, you should be able to eat normally, as long as you keep these tips in mind.
- The worst things you can eat with braces are hard, sticky sweets like toffees, Minties and Red Skins.
- Biting into large, tough objects can damage your braces – so always cut things like apples, raw carrots, and crusty rolls into bite-sized pieces.
- Don’t gnaw meat on the bone or corn on the cob.
- Anything that can’t easily be cut into smaller pieces are best avoided – like ice cubes and pork crackling.
Do I need to brush differently?
Yes! Proper oral hygiene is more important than ever as braces can act as a “plaque trap”, increasing the amount of plaque on your teeth, which in turn can lead to an increased risk of decay and gum disease. Your dentist will explain detailed instructions on home care for your teeth. Also, continue with your regular checkup and cleans during the course of braces treatment to avoid cavities.
What do I do if my braces break?
Braces may occasionally break or become loose. Here’s a couple of tips on what to do if it does happen:
- If the wire is sticking out, press it back into position and use orthodontic wax to hold it in place (and to prevent the wire from poking you) until you can visit your dentist.
- If the bracket has come loose, remove it (only if you easily can) and bring it to your dentist.
Please contact us to make an appointment as soon as you can to have them fixed; this will help keep your treatment on track.